

Last week I got to do a shoot for Barre Fitness that incorporated: an outfit from Lululemon, boxing with All City Athletics, promoting Barre’s  Workout To Conquer Cancer team, and that major babe pictured above, Janelle Ordiales Astles.

Janelle just started teaching at Barre and I already love her so much. Check out her lifestyle blog, and follow her on instagram.

There are more photos and outfit details in the blog post over on the Barre website…I just wanted to put a few more up that didn’t get put in, because Janelle is a rock star.


First post of my #CmacSeesLondonCmacSeesFrance tour is from Rennes. Aside from the Trans Musicales festival, I got to do a little bit of wandering around this beautiful city, and the festival was gracious enough to put together a walking tour in English.

Things I learned:
- A LOT of Rennes burned down in a fire, and it was due, ironically, to a drunken carpenter
- Their market on the Saturday is amazing. You can buy practically anything, including oysters that they’ll shuck for you on the spot.
- You can eat and drink said oysters in public and it’s the greatest.
- There is a place called “Poutine Bros” that is decked out in Canadian stuff, and has menu items named after Rob Ford and Carey Price to name a few.